This week, Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti in collaboration with the Annenberg Foundation launched a new initiative called PledgeLA to change the dynamic of the LA tech community. As many may already know, the tech industry has a long-standing reputation of being plagued by gender and race disparities. With this program, Garcetti hopes to transform the existing status quo and lead by example in one of the top tech hubs in the country.

“Our City’s diversity is our competitive advantage, so we are always looking around the corner for ways to ensure every Angeleno has a chance to succeed in the industries of tomorrow. L.A.’s tech growth is no accident — it is a tribute to our region’s tradition of creativity, leadership in innovation, and wealth of talent. With PledgeLA, we will promote transparency in a growing sector and open the doors of opportunity to our diverse base of workers, no matter their race, gender, or background,” Garcetti said.

A total of 80+ venture capitalists and tech companies have already pledged including Hyperloop One, Two Bit Circus, Emblematic Group, Techstars, Jam City, Hawke Media, and Screen Door Lab. These companies will be expected to improve diversity and inclusion within all levels of their workforce, encourage employee engagement with the local community and its organizations, and report the progress of these efforts in a survey. Information collected from this initiative will hold companies accountable to the pledge and provide valuable data to the public on how to use the tech industry to move forward in creating a meaningful impact.

With this initiative, there are hopes that many more will join in this movement to help make Los Angeles not only a tech leader but also one that is diverse and collaborative. Only then can LA discover untapped business opportunities and grow even further towards the future.

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